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Nilai biasa Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A.

Biasa Exchange Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. kiwari, nu harga saham, FORTH.AT anu ayeuna online, dina harga saham, Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A..
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FORTH.AT = 0.30 Euro

Inpormasi ngeunaan konversi Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. dina Euro diénggalkeun sakali dinten. Harga stock saham harga gaduh nilai rata-rata per dinten. Harga saham tina sumber anu diverifikasi. 1 stok tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. parantos langkung mahal ku 0 Euro. Kanggo 1 saham tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. ayeuna anjeun kedah masihan 0.30 saham tina Euro. Laju Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. meningkat ngalawan Euro ku 0 saratus tina titik persentase.


Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. nilai dibagikeun dina pausahaan Euro

Sabulan ka tukang, Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. tiasa disilihtukeurkeun pikeun 0 Euro. Tilu bulan ka tukang, Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. bisa dijual pikeun 0 Euro. Sataun kapengker, Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. bisa dibeli pikeun 0 saham tina Euro. Ieu ditembongkeun bagan harga saham kanggo waktos anu béda. Sateuacan saminggu, Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. dina Euro harga saham dirobih ku 0%. 0% sabulan - perobihan harga saham tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A..

minggu Sasih 3 bulan taun 3 taun

Tanda petik stock Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. Euro

1 FORTH.AT 0.30 Euro
5 FORTH.AT 1.50 Euro
10 FORTH.AT 3 Euro
25 FORTH.AT 7.50 Euro
50 FORTH.AT 15 Euro
100 FORTH.AT 30 Euro
250 FORTH.AT 75 Euro
500 FORTH.AT 150 Euro

Dinten ayeuna, 3 Euro tiasa ditukeurkeun kanggo 10 saham tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A.. Upami anjeun ngagaduhan 25 saham tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A., maka dina Austria aranjeunna tiasa dijual pikeun 7.50 Euro. Konverter kutipan saham dinten ayeuna masihan 15 Euro pikeun 50 saham tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A.. Konverter kutipan saham dinten ayeuna masihan 30 Euro pikeun 100 saham tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A.. Upami anjeun ngagaduhan 250 saham tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A., maka dina Austria anjeun tiasa mésér 75 Euro. Anjeun tiasa tukeur 150 Euro pikeun 500 saham tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A..

FORTH.AT sajarah ngeunaan harga saham

Kaping Meunteun Ngarobah
22/04/2021 0.3 EUR -
21/04/2021 0.3 EUR -
20/04/2021 0.3 EUR -
19/04/2021 0.3 EUR -
16/04/2021 0.3 EUR -

Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. dina Euro dina 22 April 2021 sami sareng 0.3 Euro. 21 April 2021, 1 saham tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. biaya 0.3 Euro. 20 April 2021, 1 saham tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. = 0.3 Euro. Maksimum maksimal FORTH.AT / EUR harga saham di dihurungkeun 22/04/2021. Paling minimum FORTH.AT / EUR harga saham di dina 22/04/2021.

Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A.

Hiji babagi tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. dinten téh 0.30 €. Bagikeun harga FORTH.AT robah jadi atawa ti dinten dagang saméméhna. Anjeun bisa meuli 100 biasa tina Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. kanggo 30 Euro, atawa ngajual 50 biasa tina FORTH.AT kanggo 15 Euro.

Nilai biasa Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A.

Keuangan Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A.

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