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HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities cap pasar

Volume biasa dagang HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities dinten na sajarah dimodalan HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities ti awal dagang di biasa HKT.F dina bursa saham.
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HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities dimodalan

Kiwari, dimodalan pasar HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities nyaeta 5 063 595 008 Euro.
+18 986 496 € (+0.38%)
change of dimodalan saprak kamari

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities dimodalan dimutakhirkeun sakali sapoé. Website kami nyandak inpormasi tina HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities dimodalan pikeun dinten ayeuna tina sumber kabuka. Anjeun tiasa mendakan HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities kapitalisasi kanggo dinten ayeuna dumasar kana dagang tina kutipan saham ieu di bursa saham. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities cap pasar ayeuna nya $ 5 063 595 008.

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities volume dagang

Dinten volume dagang di biasa HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities amounted ka 802 Euro.

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities volume dagang dinten ieu - 802 dolar AS. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities didagang di sababaraha situs web dagang. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities perdagangan online diayakeun di paling séntral bursa online, situs wéb kami nunjukkeun jumlah dagang tina HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities per dinten. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities dimodalan parantos ningkat ku $ 18 986 496.


HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities bagan cap pasar

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities dimodalan dina grafik ku sababaraha taun. 2.13% per minggu - perobalan pasar modal HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities. Parobihan dina HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities dimodalan unggal bulan nyaéta 0%. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities permodalan ngembang unggal dinten di dolar AS.

minggu Sasih 3 bulan taun 3 taun

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities sajarah dimodalan

Kaping Dimodalan
Dimodalan (dimodalan pasar) - ngarupakeun nilai pasar sadaya biasa pausahaan traded dina bursa saham. dimodalan pasar teh harga dibagikeun dikali Jumlah biasa beredar.
04/05/2023 5 063 595 008 €
03/05/2023 5 044 608 512 €
02/05/2023 5 053 626 880 €
28/04/2023 5 071 162 368 €
27/04/2023 5 037 217 280 €
26/04/2023 5 022 205 952 €
25/04/2023 4 957 991 936 €

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities bagan volume

minggu Sasih 3 bulan taun 3 taun

data sajarah volume HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities

Kaping Volume (24h)
Volume biasa traded HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities - jumlah total sakabéh transaksi jeung biasa tina HKT.F, meuli jeung dijual mangsa tanggal dipilih.
04/05/2023 802 €
03/05/2023 802 €
02/05/2023 802 €
28/04/2023 802 €
27/04/2023 802 €
26/04/2023 802 €
25/04/2023 802 €

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities dimodalan di 04/05/2023 berjumlah 5 063 595 008 dolar AS. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities dimodalan di 03/05/2023 berjumlah 5 044 608 512 dolar AS. Kapitalisasi pasar HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities at 02/05/2023 berjumlah 5 053 626 880 dolar AS. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities kapitalisasi sami sareng 5 071 162 368 dolar AS di 28/04/2023.

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities Kapitalisasi pasar di 27/04/2023 sami sareng 5 037 217 280 dolar AS. 26/04/2023 HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities kapitalisasi sami sareng 5 022 205 952 dolar AS. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities dimodalan di 25/04/2023 sami sareng 4 957 991 936 dolar AS.

Dimodalan HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities ayeuna nangtung dina 5 063 595 008 €. dimodalan Market HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities robah jadi +0.38% dibandingkeun jeung kamari sore. Dagang kekembangan biasa HKT.F HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities dina dinten dagang panungtungan amounted ka 802 € biasa tina volume dagang HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities robah jadi 0% dibandingkeun kalawan dinten dagang saméméhna.

Nilai biasa HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities

Keuangan HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities