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Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC cap pasar

Volume biasa dagang Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC dinten na sajarah dimodalan Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ti awal dagang di biasa FTAI dina bursa saham.
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Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC dimodalan

Kiwari, dimodalan pasar Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC nyaeta 2 786 921 216 Dollar AS.
+38 245 888 $ (+1.39%)
change of dimodalan saprak kamari

Inpormasi ngeunaan parobahan dina Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC dimodalan diitung sakali sapoé. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC Kapitalisasi pasar mangrupikeun jumlah sadaya Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC kutipan saham anu dikaluarkeun. Inpormasi dimodalan Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ngan ukur kanggo rujukan. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC cap pasar ningkat ku $ 38 245 888.

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC volume dagang

Dinten volume dagang di biasa Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC amounted ka 335 318 Dollar AS.
+325 380 $ (+3 274.10%)
change of volume dagang saprak kamari

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC jilid dagang dinten ieu berjumlah $ 335 318. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC didagang di bursa saham anu béda. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC dagang sacara real time diayakeun di paling séntral bursa saham, situs wéb kami nunjukkeun volume dagang harian Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC cap pasar langkung handap kamari.


Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC bagan cap pasar

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC Kapitalisasi pasar dina grafik ku sababaraha taun. 3.69% per minggu - perobalan pasar modal Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC. Leuwih taun, Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC dimodalan parantos dirobih ku 0%. Dinten ayeuna, Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC permodalan sami sareng 2 786 921 216 dolar AS.

minggu Sasih 3 bulan taun 3 taun

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC sajarah dimodalan

Kaping Dimodalan
Dimodalan (dimodalan pasar) - ngarupakeun nilai pasar sadaya biasa pausahaan traded dina bursa saham. dimodalan pasar teh harga dibagikeun dikali Jumlah biasa beredar.
03/05/2023 2 786 921 216 $
02/05/2023 2 748 675 328 $
01/05/2023 2 789 414 400 $
28/04/2023 2 841 273 600 $
27/04/2023 2 813 349 376 $
26/04/2023 2 759 495 936 $
25/04/2023 2 687 691 264 $

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC bagan volume

minggu Sasih 3 bulan taun 3 taun

data sajarah volume Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC

Kaping Volume (24h)
Volume biasa traded Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC - jumlah total sakabéh transaksi jeung biasa tina FTAI, meuli jeung dijual mangsa tanggal dipilih.
03/05/2023 335 318 $
02/05/2023 9 938 $
01/05/2023 527 009 $
28/04/2023 366 991 $
27/04/2023 2 170 428 $
26/04/2023 1 475 413 $
25/04/2023 1 859 828 $

03/05/2023 Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC permodalan berjumlah 2 786 921 216 dolar AS. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC kapitalisasi sami sareng 2 748 675 328 dolar AS di 02/05/2023. 01/05/2023 Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC Kapitalisasi pasar sami sareng 2 789 414 400 dolar AS. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC Kapitalisasi pasar di 28/04/2023 sami sareng 2 841 273 600 dolar AS.

Pada 27/04/2023, Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC dimodalan pasar $ 2 813 349 376. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC dimodalan berjumlah 2 759 495 936 dolar AS di 26/04/2023. Pada 25/04/2023, Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC dimodalan pasar $ 2 687 691 264.

Dimodalan Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ayeuna nangtung dina 2 786 921 216 $. dimodalan Market Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC robah jadi +1.39% dibandingkeun jeung kamari sore. Dagang kekembangan biasa FTAI Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC dina dinten dagang panungtungan amounted ka 335 318 $ biasa tina volume dagang Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC robah jadi +3 274.100% dibandingkeun kalawan dinten dagang saméméhna.

Nilai biasa Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC

Keuangan Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC