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The First of Long Island Corporation cap pasar

Volume biasa dagang The First of Long Island Corporation dinten na sajarah dimodalan The First of Long Island Corporation ti awal dagang di biasa FLIC dina bursa saham.
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The First of Long Island Corporation dimodalan

Kiwari, dimodalan pasar The First of Long Island Corporation nyaeta 229 937 024 Dollar AS.
-12 521 536 $ (-5.16%)
change of dimodalan saprak kamari

The First of Long Island Corporation dimodalan dimutakhirkeun sakali sapoé. Website kami nyandak inpormasi tina The First of Long Island Corporation dimodalan pikeun dinten ayeuna tina sumber kabuka. Anjeun tiasa mendakan The First of Long Island Corporation kapitalisasi kanggo dinten ayeuna dumasar kana dagang tina kutipan saham ieu di bursa saham. The First of Long Island Corporation cap pasar dinten ieu sami sareng 229 937 024 dolar AS.

The First of Long Island Corporation volume dagang

Dinten volume dagang di biasa The First of Long Island Corporation amounted ka 111 598 Dollar AS.
+107 034 $ (+2 345.18%)
change of volume dagang saprak kamari

The First of Long Island Corporation volume dagang dinten ieu - 111 598 dolar AS. The First of Long Island Corporation dagang lumangsung dina sababaraha séntral saham saham. The First of Long Island Corporation bagan dagang aya dina situs wéb kami unggal dinten. Nilai sadaya The First of Long Island Corporation saham anu dikeluarkan (The First of Long Island Corporation cap pasar) murag ku $ -12 521 536.


The First of Long Island Corporation bagan cap pasar

The First of Long Island Corporation Kapitalisasi pasar dina grafik ku sababaraha taun. Parobihan dina The First of Long Island Corporation dimodalan unggal minggu nyaéta -15.66%. 0% - The First of Long Island Corporation kapitalisasi pasar taun. The First of Long Island Corporation kapitalisasi parantos turun dibandingkeun kamari.

minggu Sasih 3 bulan taun 3 taun

The First of Long Island Corporation sajarah dimodalan

Kaping Dimodalan
Dimodalan (dimodalan pasar) - ngarupakeun nilai pasar sadaya biasa pausahaan traded dina bursa saham. dimodalan pasar teh harga dibagikeun dikali Jumlah biasa beredar.
03/05/2023 229 937 024 $
02/05/2023 242 458 560 $
01/05/2023 245 722 848 $
28/04/2023 270 824 160 $
27/04/2023 274 651 264 $
26/04/2023 273 372 576 $
25/04/2023 272 625 152 $

The First of Long Island Corporation bagan volume

minggu Sasih 3 bulan taun 3 taun

data sajarah volume The First of Long Island Corporation

Kaping Volume (24h)
Volume biasa traded The First of Long Island Corporation - jumlah total sakabéh transaksi jeung biasa tina FLIC, meuli jeung dijual mangsa tanggal dipilih.
03/05/2023 111 598 $
02/05/2023 4 564 $
01/05/2023 173 678 $
28/04/2023 73 994 $
27/04/2023 87 631 $
26/04/2023 33 521 $
25/04/2023 103 475 $

The First of Long Island Corporation Kapitalisasi pasar di 03/05/2023 sami sareng 229 937 024 dolar AS. Kapitalisasi pasar The First of Long Island Corporation at 02/05/2023 berjumlah 242 458 560 dolar AS. The First of Long Island Corporation dimodalan berjumlah 245 722 848 dolar AS di 01/05/2023. 28/04/2023 The First of Long Island Corporation kapitalisasi sami sareng 270 824 160 dolar AS.

Kapitalisasi pasar The First of Long Island Corporation sajumlah 274 651 264 dolar AS dina 27/04/2023. The First of Long Island Corporation dimodalan di 26/04/2023 sami sareng 273 372 576 dolar AS. Kapitalisasi pasar The First of Long Island Corporation at 25/04/2023 berjumlah 272 625 152 dolar AS.

Dimodalan The First of Long Island Corporation ayeuna nangtung dina 229 937 024 $. dimodalan Market The First of Long Island Corporation robah jadi -5.164% dibandingkeun jeung kamari sore. Dagang kekembangan biasa FLIC The First of Long Island Corporation dina dinten dagang panungtungan amounted ka 111 598 $ biasa tina volume dagang The First of Long Island Corporation robah jadi +2 345.180% dibandingkeun kalawan dinten dagang saméméhna.

Nilai biasa The First of Long Island Corporation

Keuangan The First of Long Island Corporation