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Quebec Precious Metals Corporation cap pasar

Volume biasa dagang Quebec Precious Metals Corporation dinten na sajarah dimodalan Quebec Precious Metals Corporation ti awal dagang di biasa CJC.V dina bursa saham.
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Quebec Precious Metals Corporation dimodalan

Kiwari, dimodalan pasar Quebec Precious Metals Corporation nyaeta 19 555 948 Dollar Kanada.
-1 685 858 $ (-7.94%)
change of dimodalan saprak kamari

Unggal dinten, kami ngarékam parobahan dina Quebec Precious Metals Corporation dimodalan. Quebec Precious Metals Corporation dimodalan ayeuna dianggap salaku jumlah tina kutipan saham Quebec Precious Metals Corporation koin dikaluarkeun. Dumasar padagéan harga saham saham Quebec Precious Metals Corporation di pasar bursa saham, anjeun tiasa ngémutan kapitalisasi Quebec Precious Metals Corporation. Quebec Precious Metals Corporation dimodalan = 19 555 948 dolar AS.

Quebec Precious Metals Corporation volume dagang

Dinten volume dagang di biasa Quebec Precious Metals Corporation amounted ka 719 413 Dollar Kanada.
+102 705 $ (+16.65%)
change of volume dagang saprak kamari

Quebec Precious Metals Corporation didagang di bursa saham anu béda. Carta perdagangan sapopoé pikeun Quebec Precious Metals Corporation aya dina situs wéb kami. Quebec Precious Metals Corporation dagang diayakeun dina séntral saham saham dina waktos nyata, urang nunjukkeun volume dagang sapopoé tina Quebec Precious Metals Corporation. Nilai sadaya Quebec Precious Metals Corporation saham anu dikeluarkan (Quebec Precious Metals Corporation cap pasar) murag ku $ -1 685 858.


Quebec Precious Metals Corporation bagan cap pasar

1.75% - parobahan dina permodalan pasar Quebec Precious Metals Corporation per minggu. 0% per bulan - perobalan pasar modal Quebec Precious Metals Corporation. 0% - Quebec Precious Metals Corporation kapitalisasi pasar taun. Quebec Precious Metals Corporation cap pasar turun.

minggu Sasih 3 bulan taun 3 taun

Quebec Precious Metals Corporation sajarah dimodalan

Kaping Dimodalan
Dimodalan (dimodalan pasar) - ngarupakeun nilai pasar sadaya biasa pausahaan traded dina bursa saham. dimodalan pasar teh harga dibagikeun dikali Jumlah biasa beredar.
06/08/2020 19 555 948 $
05/08/2020 21 241 806 $
04/08/2020 18 544 434 $
31/07/2020 18 207 262 $
30/07/2020 19 555 948 $
29/07/2020 19 555 948 $
28/07/2020 19 218 776 $

Quebec Precious Metals Corporation bagan volume

minggu Sasih 3 bulan taun 3 taun

data sajarah volume Quebec Precious Metals Corporation

Kaping Volume (24h)
Volume biasa traded Quebec Precious Metals Corporation - jumlah total sakabéh transaksi jeung biasa tina CJC.V, meuli jeung dijual mangsa tanggal dipilih.
06/08/2020 719 413 $
05/08/2020 616 708 $
04/08/2020 15 647 $
31/07/2020 121 600 $
30/07/2020 25 000 $
29/07/2020 38 227 $
28/07/2020 104 511 $

Quebec Precious Metals Corporation dimodalan di 06/08/2020 berjumlah 19 555 948 dolar AS. 05/08/2020 Quebec Precious Metals Corporation kapitalisasi sami sareng 21 241 806 dolar AS. Kapitalisasi pasar Quebec Precious Metals Corporation sajumlah 18 544 434 dolar AS dina 04/08/2020. Quebec Precious Metals Corporation dimodalan pasar nyaéta $ 18 207 262 at 31/07/2020.

Quebec Precious Metals Corporation dimodalan di 30/07/2020 berjumlah 19 555 948 dolar AS. 29/07/2020 Quebec Precious Metals Corporation kapitalisasi sami sareng 19 555 948 dolar AS. Pada 28/07/2020, Quebec Precious Metals Corporation dimodalan pasar $ 19 218 776.

Dimodalan Quebec Precious Metals Corporation ayeuna nangtung dina 19 555 948 $. dimodalan Market Quebec Precious Metals Corporation robah jadi -7.937% dibandingkeun jeung kamari sore. Dagang kekembangan biasa CJC.V Quebec Precious Metals Corporation dina dinten dagang panungtungan amounted ka 719 413 $ biasa tina volume dagang Quebec Precious Metals Corporation robah jadi +16.65% dibandingkeun kalawan dinten dagang saméméhna.

Nilai biasa Quebec Precious Metals Corporation

Keuangan Quebec Precious Metals Corporation