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Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation cap pasar

Volume biasa dagang Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation dinten na sajarah dimodalan Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation ti awal dagang di biasa NPPXF dina bursa saham.
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Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation dimodalan

Kiwari, dimodalan pasar Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation nyaeta 104 829 280 256 Dollar AS.
-1 597 890 560 $ (-1.50%)
change of dimodalan saprak kamari

Inpormasi tina Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation dimodalan dicandak tina sumber kabuka. Dumasar padagéan harga saham saham Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation di pasar bursa saham, anjeun tiasa ngémutan kapitalisasi Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation dimodalan pikeun dinten ayeuna dina situs wéb pikeun rujukan. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation cap pasar dinten ieu sami sareng 104 829 280 256 dolar AS.

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation volume dagang

Dinten volume dagang di biasa Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation amounted ka 623 Dollar AS.
-1 229 $ (-66.36%)
change of volume dagang saprak kamari

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation didagang di sababaraha situs web dagang. Bagan poean ti Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation volume dagang ditepikeun dina situs wéb kami. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation dagang diayakeun dina séntral saham saham dina waktos nyata, urang nunjukkeun volume dagang sapopoé tina Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. Nilai sadaya Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation saham anu dikeluarkan (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation cap pasar) murag ku $ -1 597 890 560.


Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation bagan cap pasar

Sateuacan saminggu, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation dimodalan parantos dirobih ku -1.37%. Parobihan dina Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation dimodalan unggal bulan nyaéta 0%. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation modifikasi kapitalisasi pikeun taun nyaéta -1.37%. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation cap pasar langkung ageung kamari.

minggu Sasih 3 bulan taun 3 taun

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation sajarah dimodalan

Kaping Dimodalan
Dimodalan (dimodalan pasar) - ngarupakeun nilai pasar sadaya biasa pausahaan traded dina bursa saham. dimodalan pasar teh harga dibagikeun dikali Jumlah biasa beredar.
04/05/2023 104 829 280 256 $
03/05/2023 106 427 170 816 $
02/05/2023 105 513 025 536 $
01/05/2023 103 496 933 376 $
28/04/2023 105 095 618 560 $
27/04/2023 106 659 176 448 $
26/04/2023 106 281 132 032 $

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation bagan volume

minggu Sasih 3 bulan taun 3 taun

data sajarah volume Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

Kaping Volume (24h)
Volume biasa traded Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation - jumlah total sakabéh transaksi jeung biasa tina NPPXF, meuli jeung dijual mangsa tanggal dipilih.
04/05/2023 623 $
03/05/2023 1 852 $
02/05/2023 1 200 $
01/05/2023 1 144 $
28/04/2023 784 $
27/04/2023 575 $
26/04/2023 7 607 $

Kapitalisasi pasar Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation at 04/05/2023 berjumlah 104 829 280 256 dolar AS. Kapitalisasi pasar Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation at 03/05/2023 berjumlah 106 427 170 816 dolar AS. 02/05/2023 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Kapitalisasi pasar sami sareng 105 513 025 536 dolar AS. Kapitalisasi pasar Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation sajumlah 103 496 933 376 dolar AS dina 01/05/2023.

28/04/2023 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Kapitalisasi pasar sami sareng 105 095 618 560 dolar AS. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation dimodalan pasar nyaéta $ 106 659 176 448 at 27/04/2023. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation dimodalan pasar nyaéta $ 106 281 132 032 at 26/04/2023.

Dimodalan Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation ayeuna nangtung dina 104 829 280 256 $. dimodalan Market Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation robah jadi -1.5014% dibandingkeun jeung kamari sore. Dagang kekembangan biasa NPPXF Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation dina dinten dagang panungtungan amounted ka 623 $ biasa tina volume dagang Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation robah jadi -66.361% dibandingkeun kalawan dinten dagang saméméhna.

Nilai biasa Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

Keuangan Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation